Here the girl was hardy, so if three more men came, she would cope with them too. And in general the girl is pretty and experienced, in bed she does such things that many have never dreamed of.
Emmanuel| 53 days ago
I want soooooo much
Marshall| 13 days ago
It's an interesting version of anonymous sex, but it's not clear what's in it for the lady? I saw some chairs in the room, so the lady could put her back or front of the chair under the cock. And here .... is not interesting!
Here the girl was hardy, so if three more men came, she would cope with them too. And in general the girl is pretty and experienced, in bed she does such things that many have never dreamed of.
I want soooooo much
It's an interesting version of anonymous sex, but it's not clear what's in it for the lady? I saw some chairs in the room, so the lady could put her back or front of the chair under the cock. And here .... is not interesting!